Glyn Sadler, ocean rower, spearfisherman and founder of ‘Adventures Per Mare’, now preparing to row the entire Norwegian coast line

In this episode, we speak with Glyn Sadler, a former Royal Marine turned ‘adventure rower’ and spearfishing enthusiast, who founded Adventures Per Mare, a one-of-a-kind adventure rowing company based in Norway.


He shares his experience rowing across the Atlantic, where he received shoutouts from none other than James Corden and His Royal Highness, the Prince of Bhutan.


We also discuss how his team secured over £100,000 in sponsorship, coming back from a life-altering injury, his preparation for the first-ever full coastal row of Norway next year, and how combining two sports has unlocked a whole new level of adventure for him.

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  • 00:00:00 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    And welcome to the Tales of Adventure podcast.

    00:00:01 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    That the oceans is there all the time and it's just sort of looking.

    00:00:05 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Also, how much you were putting into it and they wanted to be part of it and they made them feel part of the team, you know, James Corden gave us a shout out thing with ocean. Rain is once you out there, it's sort of head down and grind your way across the ocean. Yeah. It just happened. Yeah. People just like, yeah, we'll give you £15,000 worth. I want to be doing more adventures and more.

    00:00:25 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Stuff that I enjoy. Yeah, it's just. I just loved it. I absolutely loved it.

    00:00:31 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Hi, I'm Chris, your host of every month of interviewing and sparring adventures about overcoming hardship, taking a risk, and doing it differently. The podcast aims document the learning we've got the standout individuals to where they are now.

    00:00:44 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    In this episode, we talk to Glenn Sadler, former Marine to and Ocean rowing and spearfishing enthusiast and the founder and lectured premier. Even you can flinch your own company based in Norway.



    00:00:54 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Who discusses the experience of Runcross the Atlantic Way, but shout outs from Miller and James Corden and His Royal Highness of Principle Town I was preparing for the first ever coastal world in Thai Norwegian coastline next year. And how mixing two different sports has opened up a whole new.

    00:01:07 Speaker 3

    Dimension of enjoyment for him.

    00:01:12 Speaker 3

    Hey, good. Good to see you again, matey.

    00:01:13 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    How's it going? Oh, good. Thanks. How are you?

    00:01:16 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Mate, I'm good. I can. I can see it's suddenly in in another part of Scandinavia. It's still kind of like that bleak winter missing in the background. So I'm I'm seeing by your what being wrapped up in the fleece that you're probably.

    00:01:31 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Experiencing minus temperatures right now.

    00:01:32 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:01:33 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, it's actually quite mild at the minute. I'm in southern Norway, a small town called Bur in mid Telemark.

    00:01:40 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And I think I was tricked here last year because it had such wonderful both summers and winters and they said, oh, that doesn't usually happen. So yeah, we're in that between the stage of it's snowing, it's melting. It's snowing, but up in the mountains, it's good. Good for skiing anyway.

    00:01:57 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    But yeah, yeah.

    00:01:58 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It's winter's. You can sort of feel.

    00:02:01 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Starting to lighten off now.

    00:02:03 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Probably winter. Yeah. I'm. I'm. I'm here in here in Estonia and it's we get this thing called the fifth season, where apparently it's it's between, I think summer and spring and. And spring and autumn where basically.

    00:02:14 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    All the.

    00:02:15 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    All the kind of like the the snow melts and it all becomes like kind of like very swampy and it's it's, you know, people actually like kind of kayaking.

    00:02:20 Speaker 4


    00:02:22 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Pounds in some parts of it say I was like, could not believe it when I when I started seeing just these, like huge.

    00:02:23 Speaker 4


    00:02:27 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Work locked areas and people are saying, yeah, that's that's normal. That's that's what.

    00:02:30 Speaker 4

    We just do, that's.

    00:02:31 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:02:33 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    That they deal with a lot of stuff that that puts puts us to.

    00:02:35 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    In the UK, yeah.

    00:02:36 Speaker 4

    Exactly. There we go, you guys.



    00:02:39 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    How did you?

    00:02:39 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Get to work today like we should. We just? Yeah. Just drove through this.

    00:02:52 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Obviously we've, we've all background, the nation rowing and your your forthcoming expeditions. I really wanted to get you to kind of like document your, your, your experiences and your kind of approach this and also kind of like what it brings.

    00:03:07 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    To to you know, to your life in terms of these these ventures because obviously it's.

    00:03:12 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Really fascinating new all of a sudden new dimensions of adventure, aren't they? Compared to the, you know, the older stuff of like the 50 and 60 years ago. So yeah, cheers for it. Cheers for.

    00:03:23 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Us it.

    00:03:24 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    No, that's good. It's good. I'm looking forward to.

    00:03:26 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    It. Yeah, just to kind of kick off for the first, the first question, can you give me some way about your background, like how you got intuition growing and I guess just as venture in general like what was what was the genesis of how this came to be?

    00:03:40 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah. So I my first adventure really was actually joining joining the Marines at the age of 17 way back in 1999.

    00:03:53 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And so yeah, that that was that was my first adventure and then cut to.

    00:03:59 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I'd done a a sort of a couple of tours.

    00:04:04 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And then in 2006 was when the through Hell or high water.

    00:04:11 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Documentary series came out with James Crackland Ben Fogle, which is probably.

    00:04:15 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    A lot of people's introduction into this sport of ocean rowing, which.

    00:04:21 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I didn't know existed up until that point.

    00:04:24 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And that I sat and watched it with a with a friend of mine.

    00:04:29 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    In the Marines and we sort of said, oh, we'd love to do something like that one day and it just so must have planted the scene. The back of my.

    00:04:36 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Rain and and then you know, four or five years later, I I done in Afghanistan tour and I'd sort of maybe had a little bit of enough with adventure in that sort of and I left the car.

    00:04:51 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Started work as a civilian, which was a huge.

    00:04:57 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Change for me and for my family.

    00:05:00 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And then just sort of ended up in this routine really of of.

    00:05:05 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I don't want to say a normal job, but I had a job, you know, rather than whereas now what I'm looking for is an experience.

    00:05:16 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    So the the.

    00:05:17 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Job that I was doing was non destructive testing of wells, which is pretty boring, but it it it can pay quite well and and the qualifications are good and that sort of paid for stuff for me to do.

    00:05:31 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Elsewhere and then I'd I'd had a really bad injury.

    00:05:36 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I was wanting to get back into fitness sort of five years later and so I started kickbox kickboxing.

    00:05:42 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I was really enjoying that and I ended up snapping my Patella tendon in my in my left eye. Yeah, the the tendon snapped to clean off the shin bone and I had to have it pulled down screwed in place. I've still got the screws in there now and then like a wire.

    00:05:55 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    There to support it. Oh.

    00:05:57 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    My God. So I thought, oh, that's me done.

    00:06:00 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    27 It's game over the doctor's like you'll never run again. You'll never do anything again. Oh, God. But.

    00:06:08 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I came across my friend Lee Howe, who I served in the car with he runs CrossFit Teesside and he was like, get yourself down to the gym here. It's great. You know, there's a couple of bootlegs here and and that sort of started my.

    00:06:22 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:06:24 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Adventure again, you know that just sort of define my limitations and that was Lee's motto. Defy your limitations, which was like, great. Well, my limitation was my knee.

    00:06:33 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And he just gave me confidence in it and just made me push past that. But it just so happened there was another individual that was training at CrossFit Teesside called Duncan Rye.

    00:06:46 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I know.

    00:06:48 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:06:48 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    He also happened to live in the same village as me at the time, and yeah, he'd we'll chatting on the phone and he was talking about doing an ocean road, which was like, oh, wow, I remember watching the.

    00:06:51 Speaker 4


    00:07:00 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Through high water and I said I'd love to do something like that. And now I've sort of feel like I'm getting my physical ability back. I thought that that sounds like. And he said, well, that just happens to be a spare place on the team and.

    00:07:15 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    That's it. And then?

    00:07:18 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Team role for victory was was born, so to speak.

    00:07:22 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And so, yeah, in 2018, 2018, we we took part in the telescope Whiskey Atlantic Challenge as it was known then.

    00:07:31 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And yeah, wrote 3000 miles from the Canaries to Antigua.

    00:07:35 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Just not long after your.

    00:07:40 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Obviously you know the kind of like the previous year where Mike Duncan was using it as a obviously beat up and for the FI euro obviously to get the experience and and all the all the things. But I remember coming out to see you guys in lagamara before your start.

    00:07:50 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:07:57 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    And yeah, just thinking that that kind of you had the the actual proper race organisation, which it gives like such a good vibe, doesn't it? You know, we haven't. We've seen karaoke in the in the blue mile and you know, like a couple nights before, you know, sets up. And I was like, oh, this is this is a race experience.

    00:08:03 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:08:11 Speaker 4


    00:08:14 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:08:14 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    You know, this is this is the one that.

    00:08:15 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, just the family of it. Just it's just.

    00:08:18 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    'S just looming now it is and you, you you know you, you go out on the boat and the sea and the ocean and the ocean is.

    00:08:28 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Is there all the time and it's just sort of looking at you waiting like, yeah.

    00:08:33 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    10 days left.

    00:08:35 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Nine days, like. Oh God. But so everybody just.

    00:08:38 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Has to bond together and you feel you feel safe because there's so much of the sort of safety side of things. And then a couple of pints to sort of take the edge off things and then people relax and be a really, really cool experience.

    00:08:40 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:08:53 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    There really isn't that. I remember coming to your fundraising events and you know, you went to the the Yorkshire.

    00:08:59 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yorkshire County show, I think, wasn't it.

    00:09:01 Speaker 3

    When you brought bones or.

    00:09:01 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    The the the. Yeah, the great Yorkshire.

    00:09:05 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, yeah.

    00:09:07 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It's on every it's on every year.

    00:09:08 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yeah, the whole, I mean, you know from a professional, you know, kind of fundraising, marketing perspective, you know, the whole thing was was really well organised. So you guys would have had this great social media presence. You had this, you know, this role, this punchy name, the punchy graphics, the the and the story is well, obviously 3 of you were.

    00:09:26 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    You know where.

    00:09:27 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Been in the military, I think Fraser was still serving at the time.

    00:09:30 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:09:30 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Now the now when the safety officers for the for the I don't want to call it the twack. It's not the twerk is.

    00:09:31 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah. Yeah, that's right.

    00:09:34 Speaker 4


    00:09:36 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    It's the one's toughest right now, is it?

    00:09:37 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    No, it's not I want. Yeah, I want to. Is it Atlantic campaigns or is the world's toughest row? I think it is. Still Atlantic campaigns. Yeah. It was such a.

    00:09:49 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I took a lot of lessons from from that two year 2 year.

    00:09:52 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    You know, we we raised over 100,000 lbs in corporate sponsorship. I've never done anything like that before and that even as AI thought he was going to, he was going to give give us money out because I didn't realise that that what we were offering was actually valuable in terms of.

    00:09:56 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:10:09 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    You know what? The logos, what? Your logo from a business on a boat could actually get, you know, on the BBC ITV James.

    00:10:14 Speaker 4


    00:10:18 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Shout out.

    00:10:20 Speaker 4


    00:10:20 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    One of the Princess of Bhutan, and so just very mental. It was like, where's all this come from? But the the big thing from that was that it was that we were a Yorkshire.

    00:10:30 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, that's where it really started. And it people from, especially from Yorkshire, they love everything. Yorkshire, you know, it's it's hard to get a York someone from Yorkshire to leave the county to go and hear that it's, you know, for their benefit.

    00:10:44 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    So these 4 Yorkshire lads that you know business wanted to back it and and from that, yeah, it just sort of snowballed. It was great. Great for us that.

    00:10:52 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    That that show, yeah.

    00:10:53 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yeah. No, I remember. I remember seeing you there. And I remember seeing also like the.

    00:10:57 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    I think the press on TV of you guys all just showing for as well, didn't you?

    00:11:01 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:11:02 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    You weren't trying to sell anyone anything. You were just. You guys are just like having fun with.

    00:11:06 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    You know, and I was like, this is.

    00:11:07 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, it just happened. Yeah. People just like, oh, what's? Yeah, we'll give you £15,000, you know.

    00:11:13 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    We have to say we have to say like shy ducks get no bread in that. Like if you don't ask, you don't get. But really we didn't do that much asking it just sort of people saw how.

    00:11:17 Speaker 4


    00:11:24 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Approach we were putting into it and they wanted to be part of it and and we made them feel part of the team, you know, in in whatever small way they could. And yeah, it was like I say, I took a lot of lessons from that and it opened my eyes big time.

    00:11:27 Speaker 4


    00:11:38 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yeah, and Gibson, I mean, I'm asking about the the James Corden and the the Prince of Bhutan, because I mean, I've never seen that. But you guys were doing was it was, you know, incredible. And there was like bags of personality in there.

    00:11:51 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    And we're like, how did you get James Corden? And then the the Prince of Bhutan? Like, how do they?

    00:11:58 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    James Corden thing was the one of the charities that were raising money for sold rum, which sadly doesn't. I don't think it exists anymore, but they raised they're raising money to help.

    00:12:09 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Injured forces personnel transition into civil streaks, obviously taking guys that don't want to leave. They've just got to leave because they've deemed they can't be in the military anymore. So it's a big mental strain and and you're sort of trying to make sure they feel their worth and helping transition.

    00:12:24 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And he knew somebody who knew somebody he knew James Corden, that was, that's all I could get out of it. And then the next thing he was like, I think this all happened whilst we were at sea.

    00:12:36 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    The Atlantic and like James Corden's just given us a shout out on the late late Saturday night show or.

    00:12:42 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It was.

    00:12:44 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It was so cool. It was like, oh, I mean, at the time we thought we were gonna.

    00:12:51 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Big thing on the car, car for karaoke.

    00:12:53 Speaker 3

    Couple guys. Yeah, I was gonna say it.

    00:12:55 Speaker 3

    Like looking.

    00:12:56 Speaker 3

    The solvers in there, but he suddenly we didn't.

    00:12:58 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Get the call was.

    00:13:00 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    A very good thing and.

    00:13:02 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    The principal attend was that was well, that was, there was some connection there with Will and.

    00:13:08 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I think he made a call or or something and we got that wishes wished as a it was a voice message and it was like this.

    00:13:18 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Sort of, I think. Is it Buddhism in, in, in battalion it just his voice was so soothing. It was like listening to a relaxing like audio book or something. Is that I wish the the four men from Yorkshire the best of luck and.

    00:13:22 Speaker 4

    I think.

    00:13:29 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    My headspace, yeah.

    00:13:34 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:13:35 Speaker 3

    Wow, so we.

    00:13:36 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Had the we had the bits and his flag on the.

    00:13:37 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    The side of.

    00:13:38 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Boat as well. It was great. Yeah, you know.

    00:13:39 Speaker 3

    Brilliant. I've got home.

    00:13:41 Speaker 3

    Never know where you're.

    00:13:42 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Going to go never know where things are going to lead it's.

    00:13:44 Speaker 4

    Well, well, no, obviously.

    00:13:46 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    We could obviously put some videos of you guys.

    00:13:49 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    I'm seeing, you know, Merry Christmas to your friends and family. Obviously, when we were in like America and then when it and then obviously when I saw you guys on on the BBC on.

    00:13:58 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:14:00 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Maybe using the same video and I was?

    00:14:01 Speaker 3

    Like, oh brilliant this.

    00:14:03 Speaker 3

    Is like, really well, it's now.

    00:14:05 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    You know what? We shot it.

    00:14:06 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, exactly. Yeah, we did stuff. We did stuff.

    00:14:07 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    You know.

    00:14:07 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    In the ocean, there was unbelievable.

    00:14:10 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Hope that that.

    00:14:12 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    That something would come of it, and it, and it did, yeah.

    00:14:14 Speaker 4

    Yeah, no.

    00:14:16 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I think at that time as well the previous year should give a shout out to the to the, to the four mums that did it, Yorkshire rose.

    00:14:22 Speaker 4


    00:14:24 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And yeah, they were sort of.

    00:14:28 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    They saw they broke the mould. You know it was a big story for the area and they helped us a lot off the back of that. And it was a it was a really good way to follow up. In fact, we we did start being called the Yorkshire Dads.

    00:14:30 Speaker 4


    00:14:42 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Duncan didn't have any children, so we're like, you need. We're sort of like telling him you need to get a grip, otherwise we can't really.

    00:14:53 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    So yeah, they were great happen so and since then it's, you know, the race itself and and and ocean rowing has sort of picked up and snowballed. Yeah.

    00:15:00 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yeah, 100%. Yeah. And I think I think my own kind of experience was I never, I never saw the James crack.

    00:15:09 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Documentary series, but I just remember I remember kind of it just becoming like gradually aware of ocean rowing around about the same time, I think it was the the road to recovery guys I first saw.

    00:15:21 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, yeah.

    00:15:22 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    And you know, two of them were were single double leg amputees. And I think I remember seeing that the Army, Navy, rugby game dressed as pirates. You know, they're fundraising for the the rail. And I was like.

    00:15:33 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    What? What's? What's this? Even where? Boat across an ocean. That sounds like madness. It doesn't make sense.

    00:15:36 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, I know this is. Yeah, this still sounds great.

    00:15:41 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It's like why?

    00:15:42 Speaker 4

    Yeah. How does this work?

    00:15:44 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It takes how long?

    00:15:49 Speaker 4

    I want to.

    00:15:49 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Kind of also ask about kind of spear fishing as well, because that's something else which obviously already have been involved in and we'll come into the business as well in a second. But what what's so? When did it come out for the interest or or how do you move into spearfishing as well?

    00:16:02 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It was just completely random. Every year my family, we all.

    00:16:08 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    50 of US rent a field in Wales and every year, without fail, doesn't matter what people are doing for two weeks and we all go down the camp on this field. It's called we just call it family camp. Yeah. And they've been going for sort of 50 years, and I've been going since I was 21 when I first met.

    00:16:25 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Wife Sarah.

    00:16:26 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And I love it. It's my favourite time of the year. My favourite place in the world and I.

    00:16:31 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Sort of done a bit of fishing and and stuff like that around there and it's my wife's like, oh, Greg, one of her cousins is going spearfishing. Do you want to go with him?

    00:16:41 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Was like, yeah.

    00:16:45 Speaker 3

    It sounds like James Bond there, doesn't it, you know anything?

    00:16:46 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Spearfishing. What in in Britain it sounds OK.

    00:16:53 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Mediterranean or, you know, somewhere warm. And I was like, no. And anyway.

    00:16:59 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I got myself a split.

    00:17:00 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    They're going and I just went. I mean, I went straight to.

    00:17:03 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And I think that the main issue was the fact I was successful straight away. So I went in and literally saw a Pollock. After about half an hour, took a shot straight through the head and I was like.

    00:17:17 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    My God, I'm amazing.

    00:17:18 Speaker 3

    I can say.

    00:17:19 Speaker 4

    I'm the best spearfishing in the world and.

    00:17:21 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It was just like and it, but it was. It was beginners look, and I've learned so many lessons since then. But it's just just the whole thing that being in the water in the place that I love.

    00:17:34 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Catching my own food, cooking, eating it. I get now. The family are ordering, putting orders in. Or can you get the sea bass there? Some flat fish or poloco whatever. Also, if you, if you find the lobster, we'll have a lobster. So I love it. It's and it's it brings me back to the.

    00:17:52 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I think I call it amphibious operations. That's how I. That's how I see it, and it genuinely is now it whenever I go somewhere, I plan it thoroughly over the safety aspects, you know, and stuff like that and.

    00:18:06 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I'm I'm put my roots, my wife gets a a safety list of where I'm going. What 3 words? That's where I'm entering the.

    00:18:12 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Is my emergency exit. If you know the tide takes me too far around or whatever it is, I get all that done, and then I jump there. We're all my gear. According to the water. I don't. I don't really care if I'm successful.

    00:18:23 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    A fish or not, but you know I'm looking for a specific species.

    00:18:23 Speaker 4


    00:18:27 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    In a specific manner, and if I'm successful, great, come back, get all together. You want back up to the car and then drive home. Cook it and it's. It is like an operation and it's a full day every time. But I love it. It's it's.

    00:18:40 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It's a good, I think, especially Marines spiritics I think they'd they should all get into the sport because it's just natural, natural for us to be in and out of the water and carrying heavy loads and stuff like that.

    00:18:51 Speaker 4


    00:18:53 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    But yeah, I recommend it to to anybody but, but obviously look deeply into the safety. Don't do what I did and just I had the kids are the kids. I hate to say this, but I have all the kids like snorkel masks with and the snorkel tube was like half a dime or a normal 1.

    00:19:10 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I didn't know how to breathe. I didn't know how to dive down to get under the water and and now sort of. See, that's actually silly thing to do, and you should really look into the safety aspects. Yeah, of it. And. And that's what I do thoroughly now.

    00:19:23 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Brilliant. I mean, it sounds like you say, like, something kind of James Bond or it's it looks, you know, looks pretty incredible, doesn't it? Because obviously you're you're you're not carrying any auction tanks, you're quite agile.

    00:19:35 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    We kind of go around and look, you know, look at the scene.

    00:19:37 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, you. Well, you don't. You don't. Yeah, that's the thing. You're connected to nature.

    00:19:44 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    In such a way, and you're connected back with your food source as well. You know, we've sort of missed quite a lot of that in terms of you go to the shops to buy a fish, a fillet of sea bass or whatever.

    00:19:48 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:19:55 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And yeah, so it connects to your food and and.

    00:20:00 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I love you.

    00:20:00 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Know if a seal comes up. It means that the fish are going to go, but I don't mind. I'll just see what the Seal's doing and you know it's it's his world. I'm part of that. But you don't have to hold your breath, you know, I've learned so much in the last 6-7 years.

    00:20:06 Speaker 4


    00:20:15 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    You don't have to hold your breath. You can. You can stalk the shallows, you know, in the stringy weeds and stuff like that. Just snorkelling and you can get fish that are huge. You know, my biggest sea bass, 72 centimetres, was in like 3 foot of water. Wow.

    00:20:30 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah. So.

    00:20:31 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Oh my God.

    00:20:32 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It's a big it's a big old slab of salami column, bars of bars of silver, nickel, sea bass, and it tastes so good. Get that skin, skin crispy on the BBQ. Wow.

    00:20:43 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Well, I can say that he could go on the BBQ then I'm guessing you'd you.

    00:20:47 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    That's the other thing. You've just got what you want to do. It's like it's cooking on the Barbe I've of wood in the wood fired. Everyone roasted it.

    00:20:51 Speaker 4


    00:20:57 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Nothing goes to waste either, or anything that's left on the fish. If it's a big fish, it goes into a fish cakes or what?

    00:21:04 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    You know, I've got fish stocked in the freezer back home.

    00:21:08 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And you know, they'll keep good for a year. Stick them in there. So I think people are sea bass is usually pretty like a well delicacy. But it's a decent meal at a restaurant. And my wife said I'm sick of sea bass.

    00:21:21 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Because when you get good, you get sea bass.

    00:21:23 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Know it's a minute.

    00:21:25 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Everybody, everybody gets sick of it, but there's plenty of different species. That last year was flat fish for me, and that's what I'll be hunting again this year, a lot of.

    00:21:34 Speaker 4


    00:21:36 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It tastes so good, so easy to fill it, and it's fun. You know, just because they're in the shallows and they just sat there in their own little ambush and you're looking to.

    00:21:44 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And catch them up.

    00:21:46 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Brilliant. Well, mate, tell me how how do you? What did the idea for kind of adventures premiere come from in terms of, like, combining these two interests of yours and and what what? Where did the like, what was the genesis of that idea as well?

    00:21:55 Speaker 4


    00:21:59 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I think it was. It was just more of how I could transition from. So I've got this sort of five year plan where I want to be doing more adventures and more stuff that I enjoy. But at the minute I'm in the world of engineering, the engineering industry.

    00:22:16 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And it pays really well. So I've got a how am I going to transition without, you know, and and lose that? So I thought.

    00:22:22 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I'll make a company that adventures Premier Premier being part of the Royal Marines motto Premier per terrain, permeaban by by sea, so it's adventures by sea and that's that's what it all revolves around.

    00:22:27 Speaker 4

    Mm hmm mm.

    00:22:31 Speaker 4


    00:22:35 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And yeah, so I thought, well spearfishing, there is a market for that in the UK, it's a growing sport. There aren't many places that you can go to do sort of introduction spearfishing courses, you know sort of limited.

    00:22:47 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    So I sort of saw a gap in that and I thought well, I'd, I've learnt so much over the last seven years. I'd love to be able to pass that on to people who want to think about getting into the sport and stuff like that. So I'm developing what I call the shallows Hunter course, where there's no breath hole involved. It is, as I was saying, you just.

    00:23:05 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    You're getting.

    00:23:06 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:23:06 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    To the kit. What's it like? What?

    00:23:08 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    To swim with dragging a safety boy and holding a spear gun as if you're going to do that on your own for the first time, you'd be better to do it in a controlled environment than somebody knows what they're doing and get used to it. And then the the ocean rail side of things. Since that row I've I've desperately wanted to get involved with ocean rowing, but it's.

    00:23:27 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Costly and and difficult to get in.

    00:23:31 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I sort of thought I went all in and bought myself a an old ocean rowing boat. I got a roster and.

    00:23:39 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Thought well, I want to do more stuff like that, but I haven't got the time to go and row an ocean because it does take so much money involved and the time involved.

    00:23:44 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yeah, yeah.

    00:23:50 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Maybe I'll look at doing some smaller adventures and last year.

    00:23:55 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I volunteered to Co skipper with Ranik to do some Scandinavian rails while I was here anyway, and I went. We did for Oslo to Gothenburg and Gothenburg to Copenhagen. Although it didn't pan out like that.

    00:24:10 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah. So that being in Scandinavia, it's such a beautiful place anyway. The the destination seems to be a bit overly emphasised on the road.

    00:24:18 Speaker 4


    00:24:20 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Because we couldn't make it to our destination, we were offshore, offshore, about a mile.

    00:24:24 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Rowing in a straight line to get down there as quick as we could because you had a time timescale and the weather just was like, Nope, sorry. So I thought, well, let's cut inland and go through the fjords where it's all sheltered. And it was amazing. And it just opened my eyes. Everybody's morale about picked up. There's deer walking through the forest while you're rowing along and you just forgot about.

    00:24:46 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And hungry and cold and wet you are.

    00:24:48 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    People just started to enjoy themselves and I thought this is it, this is where it's at, it's adventure rowing. It's. You don't need to row an ocean, you know, just dip your toes in and go and do a weekend rowing through the Scandinavian fjords. It's.

    00:24:52 Speaker 4

    Does she hear? Yeah.

    00:25:03 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I think there's definitely a market for that out there and I want to be sort of at the forefront of that. So yeah.

    00:25:10 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yeah, I love that term adventure rowing as well because you know, when I first, when I first heard about it, you know, rowing was.

    00:25:16 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Sport that was done by.

    00:25:18 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    You know, kind of like, dare I say, rich kids in, you know, in school.

    00:25:21 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, it's an elite. It is. It's seen as seen as an elitist sport, yeah.

    00:25:25 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yeah. Yeah. So when I when I started hearing about ocean.

    00:25:28 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    I was like, oh, this is this is.

    00:25:29 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Seems it's kind of positioned differently and then in the more I heard about it and the more you know, obviously the costs are still high for it, but.

    00:25:36 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah. So in that case, in that sense, it is still the latest sport, isn't it? You have to be able to afford to do it or you have to have the knowledge and the support and the family back in the friend back in the company back in to do it. If you don't have all those things, you aren't ruining ocean, you know.

    00:25:36 Speaker 3

    I like this this idea.

    00:25:53 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:25:55 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    You're you'd be lucky to to get that done. But the adventure rowing like you say it's it's just condensed.

    00:25:57 Speaker 3

    Pretty bit.

    00:26:00 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And that, I mean the guys for practise are rowing across the North Sea. That's a hell of an achievement in itself. See, he's not not to be messed with, you know, but bring it down a notch. People are like, I know you do a lot of.

    00:26:05 Speaker 4


    00:26:15 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Cycling, camping and but is it going to go quite back?

    00:26:20 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    So I mean, you know and it's so why not on a an ocean rainbow? You know there's there's space for it. And the fact it'll be the boat away a lot.

    00:26:30 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    There's no day in ocean, so it might just be a bit more enjoyable than going 1/2 tonne boat across an ocean.



    00:26:36 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yeah, me. I mean I can, you know, all the times I've been on radiation, I found it actually is really, really inclusive. You know, so.

    00:26:44 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    The sports I think people will find out you've you've done it and you've you're preparing for actually it's it cuts across.

    00:26:52 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Demographics across social groups, you know, and actually does introduces to a lot of people you may not ordinarily talk to. So what one thing I do, I do love about it.

    00:26:53 Speaker 4


    00:26:59 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    And the door for me is definitely not closed with just an Atlantic. You know, there's there's, there's definitely more ocean roads in me. I just don't know when when they'll come. But, you know, I was like, actually, I still speak to people who, you know, who I who I met on the on the row on, you know, who rode the nation subsequently.

    00:27:18 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    And you know it it it connects me to lots of people that wouldn't necessarily would mainly talk to. So there's the social aspects of the sport are incredible so.

    00:27:25 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    When I.

    00:27:26 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    About Ventures premier in this this concept of adventure rowing I was like, that's brilliant. It's it kind of opens up the sports into a whole new area for people, so yeah, brilliant.

    00:27:31 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:27:37 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Well, I spoke to cause initially I looked to bill my own boat and I looked at one of these. The smaller Angus rowing boats. He saw his way. He sort of by design of of the boat and they send you the the.

    00:27:52 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    The sort of blueprint and you can get all the plywood sections cut out and then you can build this boat and they're pretty good. They do races across to Alaska in them because you can convert them into like a sort of sailboat as well as a small like coastal rainboat. And I thought that that would just open options for me all over. I'm going to be doing this in the UK. I'm going to go and do round the island.


    Like that.

    00:28:13 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, sorry, I've always had these smaller adventures there. It was just sort of getting access to them. But the ocean rainbow because it's built and designed so well to cope with extremes in ocean, you know that it'll cope with.

    00:28:27 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Whatever the coast has got to throw at you, and in fact I like it after that Scandinavian row it it showed me that there's more for me in adventure coastal rowing than than in the notion just because I just love doing everything from like navigating.

    00:28:29 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:28:46 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    You know, being a skipper was and I was Co skipper. But when I was on watch, I'm in sort of.

    00:28:51 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    You know, guiding these other five people to to, you know, safely through the 200,000 islands that Swedens got.

    00:28:53 Speaker 4


    00:28:59 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    This is amazing. And it's. Yeah, it's just. I just loved it. I absolutely loved it. I felt so much better on that. I think because there was no pressure of a race as well, that that was good. So I'd sort of eaten more. I slept better.

    00:28:59 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Like what?

    00:29:13 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:29:14 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I felt really strong.

    00:29:17 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, it was just, I think maybe there's a bit of PTSD that comes with an ocean.

    00:29:23 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    So true, I mean we we we had literally pretty much everything that could go wrong with the the belt and team went wrong with the belt and team and that's that's every year you know.

    00:29:36 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    A subject for another podcast and.

    00:29:38 Speaker 4


    00:29:41 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Another day, but yeah, it was. I don't know what you mean. It's it gives.

    00:29:45 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    The kind of the.

    00:29:47 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    The the the difficulty of the problems that you've never really think of ever encounter or have to solve, but yeah, it's something I think a lot a lot of.

    00:29:55 Speaker 4


    00:29:56 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Should definitely.

    00:29:57 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Do it does get into my next question so.

    00:30:01 Speaker 4

    You're planning your next.

    00:30:03 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Adventure rowing expedition for next year the the Nordic endeavour. Can you tell us a bit more about that and kind of where the idea came from?

    00:30:12 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah. So the the Nordic Endeavour Expedition came was sort of born during that row from Oslo to to Gothenburg.

    00:30:23 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I just enjoyed the the the coastal scene and weaving in and out of the fjord so much.

    00:30:28 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    That I I started looking at at Norway, which is obviously where I live now and I just thought that's got to be done that a full Norwegian coastal row looks absolutely epic.

    00:30:36 Speaker 4


    00:30:38 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Just, you know, like I say, the only thing with Ocean Ruin is once you're out there, there's unless a whale comes to say hello or there isn't a lot to see. It's it's sort of head down and grind. Grind away across the ocean whereas.

    00:30:38 Speaker 4


    00:30:46 Speaker 4

    Yeah, yeah.

    00:30:51 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Through the Swedish gods, it was you just forgot you were Owen. You know you you. You were just enjoying the scenery so much because it's so beautiful and Norway has a lot to offer as well. And I think I haven't experienced the most of it. I can't think of any better way to experience.

    00:31:05 Speaker 4


    00:31:08 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Than I mean if.

    00:31:09 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Were going to pay somebody. You'd. You'd go on a cruise, wouldn't you? But you know, if you're going to physically row it yourself, that's you're achieving something amazing and you're getting to enjoy it as well. So.

    00:31:21 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It's it's a. It's a approximately 3000 kilometres from here, Kanes, which is right at the northern border.

    00:31:30 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    All the way around North Cape and just hugging the coastline, do what we need to do to to to make our way.

    00:31:38 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Around into.

    00:31:41 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    The Swedish, where the Swedish border is and then up into Oslo to finish, and I think I think there's something like.

    00:31:47 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Five different Cs that we'll be going through.

    00:31:49 Speaker 4

    I don't know.

    00:31:51 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Just go back the North Sea, the Barents Sea.

    00:31:55 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I have to. I was going to say.

    00:32:01 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, you're gonna have. Let's do whatever.

    00:32:02 Speaker 3

    Google Maps.

    00:32:04 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, yeah, there's a there's a lot going on and and I just love the challenge of, like, the navigation itself, you look, you zoom in on a chart going through Bergen or somewhere it's it's it's pretty immense. But I haven't experienced that through Sweden. I'm really looking forward to it.

    00:32:16 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:32:20 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And and and it it's it's it's good that it's it's a unique expedition. It's my expedition.

    00:32:30 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And but I'm I'm really keen to to involve the Norwegians as much as possible. I think I really love the idea that sort of, since the days of Amundsen and Scott and Shackleton that we've we've had this.

    00:32:38 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:32:44 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Adventure relationship. It's maybe not a bit, you know, not being the best, but it's sort of for each other, you know, for various North and South pole.

    00:32:53 Speaker 4


    00:32:55 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Titles. But I think with this one it'll be so nice to work together to achieve it, to achieve a goal. And I also thought felt a bit bad that if if if I was going to row the full cosine of Norway and be that sort of like the first formant team to do it.

    00:32:58 Speaker 4


    00:33:10 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I'd feel really bad if if I was Norwegian, that there wasn't a Norwegian on that.


    Yeah, yeah.

    00:33:13 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It's just a boat.

    00:33:16 Speaker 4

    We did very loud coming.

    00:33:18 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    To Oslo. Everything like so realistic party.

    00:33:24 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Well, how?

    00:33:29 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    So yeah, it's and it sort of went from this expedition where we were going to just roll that as quickly as possible to get it done to something a bit more even more unique and incredible in terms of we're going to have sort of several objectives.

    00:33:44 Speaker 4


    00:33:44 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    On the way, the team at the minute consists of myself.

    00:33:51 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Josh from.

    00:33:53 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Saul's untapped he's a spearfish deep in spearfishing. He's commercial diver. He's from the Shetland Islands, so he does. He does a lot of there, some amazing videos of of of the Shetlands above and below the water, and then the Norwegian that we've got so far is.

    00:33:59 Speaker 4


    00:34:08 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    An Olympic rower called Martin Health.

    00:34:09 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Seth, so he'll be handing.

    00:34:11 Speaker 3

    Going to say no pressure.

    00:34:17 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    You know, I mean, I've sort of told them that I've had him because he's younger, better looking to older, stronger and so.

    00:34:25 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    But he he's also.

    00:34:28 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    A free driver and a spearfishman himself as well, and he he he's really deep into the marine conservation side of things, which is sort of ties in with, with, with my ethos as well and I think.

    00:34:41 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    We're looking at doing certain things on the way down into.

    00:34:44 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Sort of like doing a fi odd clean up. He does a lot of dives and like, collects tyres and all sorts of garbage that people have thrown in fjords. These beautiful places that people have just done stuff. And so we're looking at doing things like that on the way down and taking our time a bit and enjoying.

    00:35:00 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    You know the the coast of Norway itself, and if that means that we have to stop and get off the boat, that won't bother me whatsoever. It's. I mean, there's some mate we're going to be rowing past some amazing mountains that might just be too good to pass to go and climb to that.

    00:35:10 Speaker 4


    00:35:14 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Get a picture of the boat hankering the Bay. You know, it's just we're just going to. We're just going to enjoy it, but we do have this, the sort of secondary objectives that we're going to be gathering, like scientific data sort of bit.

    00:35:16 Speaker 4


    00:35:28 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    People's science, if you like, you know the micro plastics and the oils that are spilled out from these fish farms and things like that. So we've we've got some good connections with some of the communities in that world in Norway that we're looking to sort of collaborate with.

    00:35:30 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:35:36 Speaker 4


    00:35:46 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And yes, in a nutshell, that's the expiration I've got over a a year to plan for it. Now, having a boat is a really good start.


    So it's.

    00:35:57 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    So it feels better feels.

    00:35:58 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Already, and I've already got quite a few.

    00:36:02 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Sponsors involved and they're just sort of waiting for me to finish painting the boat and then start whacking these sponsors on and and and get it, get it over to to Norway as well and start showing.

    00:36:12 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:36:12 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yeah, but and how long? How long do you think it will take you then? Obviously 3000 kilometres, about about 1800 odd miles.

    00:36:18 Speaker 4


    00:36:21 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, yeah.

    00:36:22 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Can we give or take?


    Well, well, I I think we.

    00:36:25 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    We there is possibility to make that shorter in terms of distance. It all depends on the route. That's what I love about the coast is all. There's so many options for us depending on the weather.

    00:36:30 Speaker 4


    00:36:35 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And so, like I said, there's no it's it's not a race. So I've sort of planned for six to eight weeks. The whole thing that I think that'll take the pressure off everybody and who knows, it might put help us put an extra.

    00:36:50 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Not and a half down or something when we need to.

    00:36:53 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Rather than just, you've got to make 3 knots.

    00:36:56 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Average all the time, otherwise you know it's. Yeah, it's that's quite depressing. Sometimes when you when you don't make it as well. So give give ourselves realistic achievable goals and then everything else is a bonus. And if we end.

    00:36:58 Speaker 4


    00:37:09 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    With more.

    00:37:11 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Time than we think. Then that means we'll we'll slow it down and we'll enjoy a particular aspect of fjords or.

    00:37:14 Speaker 4

    Let's see it. Yeah.

    00:37:18 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Martin's from Allison. So we'll you know, we'll be cutting round there a bit and then hopefully the wildlife. You know, we've got orca.

    00:37:26 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Humpback whale, or there's all sorts going on so.

    00:37:29 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, the the possibilities are endless.

    00:37:32 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Brilliant and could.

    00:37:33 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Know is there is a great it's a great loss.

    00:37:38 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Sport, isn't it?

    00:37:41 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    I wish I'd been stuck on the Atlantic and I was like, you know, by the end of it came out looking like, you know, gaunt. And I was like, wow, that's a tonne of weight. Just comes off you without.

    00:37:50 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Really noticing it. Does it? Yeah. I lost 10 kilos.

    00:37:53 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yeah, same.

    00:37:55 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    But which I think I come up come off 89 kilos, which I haven't been since.

    00:38:02 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Like when I joined the rings.

    00:38:04 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It's like when I look pictures of me back then I was this skinny little child, the 717 year old.

    00:38:12 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    So I was shocked to see that number on.

    00:38:14 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    On the scales so.

    00:38:15 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, yeah, this, this, this row will be will be no different. The guys will still one good other good thing I do like about my boat is there's only two rowing positions. There's not 3. So it forces us into that two hours on two hours off, which I'd never got to experience on our Rd.

    00:38:27 Speaker 4


    00:38:30 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Because the pressure was so much that we rode as much as we could and everything but two hours on two hours off, it was usually more than two hours on less than two hours.

    00:38:42 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    So yeah, it'll be good. And and that that Scandinavian row with Roxy that, that, that that was three on three off. But because it was in what they call sweep, you got to do an hour and a half one side and an hour and half the other and it broke up the sort of muscle groups a little bit.

    00:38:59 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:39:00 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    So you could feel quite strong on the horse for three hours no problem, but the three hours rest and it just having that constant routine, I felt so much better and felt stronger.

    00:39:09 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    You know, I felt I had good time to get food down me and and replenish my my calories.

    00:39:15 Speaker 4

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, the.

    00:39:16 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yeah, the Poly polyphasic sleep patterns and obviously work patterns there. They take a little while to get used to it. First, don't they? And once you once you kind of get into the the groove things like I think I think I put the best sleep of my life actually on the ocean run expedition bizarrely because you end up sleeping in like 12 hours a day or you know not far off.

    00:39:19 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:39:36 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    And I was like, there's actually about four hours longer I would get a number, but she's sleeping.

    00:39:37 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:39:43 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Sadly, when we never experienced that because I think.

    00:39:46 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    First, the first 48 hours we did, we did two hours on 40 minutes off and we stopped, so we didn't get very much sleep at all. And then after that, we wound that down a little bit, but we weren't getting. So I mean we, if we could manage six hours, we were doing really well.

    00:39:50 Speaker 4

    Oh wow.

    00:40:02 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    When you're in that state of extreme fatigue.

    00:40:06 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    You don't care if it's 12 hours. You know you still want that sleep, don't you? That two hours in that in that in that cabin.

    00:40:09 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yeah. Like just that. Yeah, just away from yours. Away from the flying fish, you know.

    00:40:17 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Looking at the boy ocean, all the podcasts.

    00:40:20 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Away from somebody doing their evolutions if.

    00:40:23 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Going 5.

    00:40:28 Speaker 4

    I'm saying.

    00:40:32 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    That was a new experience for me because there was quite a few ladies on board and.

    00:40:38 Speaker 4


    00:40:38 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Thought you think it's going to be awkward and you know the end of the world beings and.

    00:40:45 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:40:46 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Into a row when everybody's absolutely.

    00:40:49 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    You know, wiped out tired and somebody needs to talk. He couldn't. He just couldn't care less about doing doing your business in front of anybody or somebody else doing it in front of you. Just like it's just what you got to do.

    00:40:54 Speaker 4


    00:41:01 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Just do it on the expenses and it.

    00:41:04 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    You cares.

    00:41:05 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Do you think if you think someone cares, you don't worry about it? Yeah.

    00:41:13 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    How? How interesting, how. How have you been mentally and physically preparing for for this? For the Nordic endeavour then have you have you started training for it? Are you, are you?

    00:41:21 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Are you in polyphasic sleep patterns now?

    00:41:26 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    No, thank God. No, it do. You know what? Whenever I think about it, I honestly I always think I don't know how I'm going to do that again. But you just do it that I think that I'm. I'm. I like to plan late, you know, with stuff like that. You just. I mean, Duncan had had a good analogy when he said that if you can have a child, you don't wake yourself up randomly in the night.

    00:41:45 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    To practise when the baby's going to shock the lifeout of you, I'm screaming in. It's caught. You just do it. You just you just.

    00:41:51 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Waiting to and just adapt. So I think the adaptability is a good thing and obviously having a bit of mental resilience and having road and ocean you sort of.

    00:42:00 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:42:01 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    That's that's quite recent for me. Whereas when I did the ocean row, it was 10 years since I've done something extreme like Afghanistan or something like that. And that was the experience I was drawing from.

    00:42:08 Speaker 4


    00:42:12 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    So now I've got sort of closer experiences to draw from, and then so mentally I I don't, I don't see that I'll be. I think it's a bit different being a skipper and having responsibility.

    00:42:21 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    There's a huge.

    00:42:22 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Difference because you're responsible for these three other souls on board, but just instil a sense of, you know, strong team, teamwork, team ethic and look after each other.

    00:42:34 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And then the the physical planning, getting the boat here is really important. The more time I spend on this boat to understand how it works.

    00:42:42 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And get time on the horse physically. I mean the rail machines. Great, but it doesn't doesn't beat getting a day on the horse, you know? So that'll be in general. I try and sort of keep fit with strength, conditioning. There's. I'm close to a gym here.

    00:43:00 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    A CrossFit gym that I attend regularly.

    00:43:03 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And then Norway, I mean, it's just what it will. Everything's epic. I'm just going to walk. I'm just going to.

    00:43:09 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    To the shops.

    00:43:10 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    But the snow the snow is about 3 feet big, you know. I'm happy. It'll be a good workout. And you know two hours later and you're, like, need to get some skiing. Really, to get.

    00:43:21 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    So just everything, everything out here and that's what I love about the people is.

    00:43:24 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    We're all sort of out and out outdoors. People you know, they love everything about their own country and enjoying it themselves, and they're always, you know, the shops close on Sundays here. So you don't have anything to do other than go out and enjoy nature. I think that's brilliant. I think I'd love to see that back in elsewhere.

    00:43:27 Speaker 4


    00:43:43 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:43:43 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I know it's. I know it's great if you've forgotten something, but just plan a bit more and and give everybody a break on a Sunday and go out and enjoy nature. It's brilliant.

    00:43:52 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yeah, 100%, yeah. But it doesn't even get me on to my next question, kind of like what's what's coming after the Nordic endeavour then like it's.

    00:44:01 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    I guess I guess with the order can never be the thing which will will, you know, keep you occupied for the next next coming few years or what are you are you thinking more and more adventure rowing expeditions do you think?

    00:44:13 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yes, yes. So this year we've we've got the 1st.

    00:44:20 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Adventure rowing expeditions in the Telemark canal.

    00:44:25 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Over sort of the.

    00:44:26 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Months and we'll be running like weekend expeditions up, up and down the canal, which is a great way for anybody who wants an introduction on life on an ocean rowing boat to experience it in a really safe and beautiful environment, so that that's that's the sort of that's going to help me build up the.

    00:44:44 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Like social media presence for the business and and get get out there. What I'm trying to do and there's no better place, I mean.

    00:44:51 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    If you want your logo on a on anything with the background of mountains and lakes and stuff, Norway, Norway is a place for you.



    00:45:02 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah. So.

    00:45:04 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    The Nordic Nordic Expedition is again, that's kind of because of use that as A to build on with the whoever I'm collaborating with that to then, OK, what's next? Maybe we could do a an Arctic crossing to spar, but I'd.

    00:45:19 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    That's certainly on the cards and that's that should be like two or three-week expedition for that. So you know that that's another ocean sort of ticked the the Arctic Ocean. And then I'd I definitely want to do the Pacific.

    00:45:20 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:45:33 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    But there might be another Atlantic row.

    00:45:35 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    There before that. So I think each, each each year.

    00:45:38 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Just going to, it's just going to build up build up until until.



    00:45:43 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    When my children are 6.

    00:45:45 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    16 and 13 Harry's 14 this year. In fact, my daughter's 17 this year. She'll be driving to me. Wow. So I don't have long before I don't have kids at home. And where's Dad eyes? He's. He's halfway across the Pacific.

    00:46:03 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    If they think they're getting out of it, they're mistaken because I've already told my son, Harry that when he's 18, we're going to go roll across.

    00:46:08 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Pacific so.

    00:46:09 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    That's like 2029, I think so, yeah. So I'm sort of using it as a as each adventure.

    00:46:17 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And I'll draw the lessons from that adventure and and the exposure of the business and everything to to to keep it, just keep it going. I get to do something I enjoy and and hopefully I can offer experiences for people at reasonable price.

    00:46:26 Speaker 4


    00:46:34 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    They don't have to raise 100 grand of corporate sponsorship to go and Roan Ocean. They can still roam an ocean, but or they can do something a bit smaller or, you know, maybe somebody's got an idea they want to do something else. I did. I did a podcast with The Dark Zone.

    00:46:47 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It was an adventure racing.

    00:46:51 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And I sort of said, you know, that there's there's a place in a venturation for for ocean rain boats, you know, it didn't have to be an ocean. It can be a massive body of water that could take several days to get across. Nothing.

    00:47:00 Speaker 4


    00:47:05 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    You know.

    00:47:07 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Puts a level playing field on a on a on a bunch of teams and Mother Nature. You know the ocean or or the seas. So yeah, I think. I think it's it's just the beginning for Adventure row. And it I feel like it's it's I've got just options you know.

    00:47:10 Speaker 4


    00:47:22 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Ocean seas fuel.

    00:47:24 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It's I think they were talking about doing the Mississippi. I think there's a team that wants to roll the full length of Mississippi and that's an epic adventure in itself, you know.

    00:47:34 Speaker 4

    I'm just sitting there I.

    00:47:35 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    So yeah, just.

    00:47:36 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    The only what is it? The only the only limitation?

    00:47:39 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Your imagination.

    00:47:42 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Think it's? I think it's it's fascinating because he, because all of a sudden.

    00:47:45 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    About this, you know this whole new method of travel, which you know before was just canoes or kayaks, and obviously you're you're kind of very limited to what you can carry, whereas ocean boats, you can you can take months worth of food, take your obviously your your water, your water generator, your water pumps.

    00:47:52 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:47:59 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, yeah.

    00:48:05 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    You know, and you'll basically have self-sufficient, aren't you? Because you're like, there's there's points where there isn't another. There isn't help for hundreds of miles that the nearest people, other people to even on the boat is the International Space Station.

    00:48:13 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:48:18 Speaker 4

    Yeah. Do I mention that to the guys who did? Yeah.

    00:48:18 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    It's lazy, mind, isn't it? I.

    00:48:22 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Mentioned that to the guys, is it the MacLean brothers are doing the Pacific, you know, saying that they'll be like however many thousands of miles from land. I said, actually your nearest.

    00:48:26 Speaker 3


    00:48:33 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Other people will be on the space station.

    00:48:37 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Which is crazy right now when you Google it like they are quite close. Actually I didn't realise you were.

    00:48:42 Speaker 3

    That's 50 miles away, maybe like.

    00:48:46 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It's crazy, yeah.

    00:48:48 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    The nearest where is it? Where is the nearest to help? I. It's 30 miles in space, actually.

    00:48:57 Speaker 3

    Brilliant, I realise.

    00:48:58 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    That we're getting on, so I'll, I'll.

    00:49:00 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    My last question out.

    00:49:01 Speaker 4


    00:49:03 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Kind of. What advice have you got for anyone wants to get into ocean rowing in terms of how do they, how do they dip their foot in the water?

    00:49:11 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    And kind of get into the sport.

    00:49:14 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah. Well, I think if you're sort of hesitant about just don't be if you're apprehensive, then you're on the right, you're on the right path. That's the good. That's what you should be.

    00:49:26 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Because it is an ocean row is, it's just a huge commitment for everything. You know, for you, your family, your friends, everybody's involved. I mean, there's so much out there at the minute in terms of ocean runners snowballed since since we did it, you know, it's like 50 teams each year doing it.

    00:49:42 Speaker 4


    00:49:45 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    But it's still, you know, without the money, it's still inaccessible.

    00:49:50 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And I think if anybody wanted to do anything on a small level, you know, come and join me on one of these weekends. But I think you speak to the guys. You know, there's plenty of teams out there. Everybody's so helpful. And I mean, it'd be great if if we.

    00:50:06 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    We should have like a lessons learned every year should be put out there.

    00:50:10 Speaker 4


    00:50:11 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    On each, you know from the community itself, because there's no point in learning a lesson mid ocean when someone is already experienced. That and it it. I don't think that.

    00:50:18 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:50:20 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    You know, just because that it's part of a race doesn't mean that information shouldn't be available. I think that would be a really cool thing to do, yeah.

    00:50:27 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And but yeah, get in touch with myself or yourself, Chris. Yeah. Then get in touch with Eve. You've got experience in that field, but.

    00:50:36 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, I think, yeah.

    00:50:37 Speaker 4

    You have to a good start.

    00:50:38 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    If you're apprehensive about doing it, that's the right place to do.

    00:50:40 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yeah, 100%. Yeah, that's that's you should definitely, never, never be kind of too cavalier relation round because obviously you're you're you're just out there, you know, you know in the Strat to a little 8 metre Kevlar kind of row embedded fibreglass room bed aren't you and it's it's very easy to to kind of just take your eyes off the.

    00:51:00 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:51:00 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Of the safety, but.

    00:51:03 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    The the world's the world's toughest role is, you know, is certainly one option. It's an amazing option and they're finished with all those people and how, you know, the pomp and ceremony is amazing, but don't rule out, don't rule out the the independent expeditions. There's quite a few of those going on and these these guys. And again, these guys, every time they do something.

    00:51:12 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company


    00:51:19 Speaker 4


    00:51:23 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Experienced and I remember I think.

    00:51:27 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I don't know whether it was a year before or after us, a father and son built.

    00:51:30 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Boat and rode.

    00:51:33 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    And that's just that is amazing. I think he was. He was a young lad as well. He just think that's an amazing thing to do. So people do this crazy stuff. So, you know, don't think you can't do that.

    00:51:38 Speaker 4


    00:51:42 Speaker 4

    OK, good.

    00:51:44 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Because it's like, you know, they're all. If you can see it, you can be it sort of thing. And there's there's a lot to see now. There's a lot of people have done it.

    00:51:50 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yeah, exactly.

    00:51:51 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Yeah, 100%. It's going great. Later for last few decades, isn't it?

    00:51:54 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Yeah, yeah.

    00:51:56 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    But yeah, on that note, I should. I should leave you to the rest of your afternoon.

    00:52:00 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    And to continue your planning and and work out for the for next year's.

    00:52:06 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Obviously the.

    00:52:06 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I'd better get down to the gym.

    00:52:12 Speaker 4

    It's it's snowing. Never mind.

    00:52:17 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    I found this cake in the meantime. These crisps and I'm I'm I'm training by putting them, stacking the weight on for the race. So that's that's how it's. That's how I taught, taught myself or I know what was it pizza smeared with there with cream cheese or Philadelphia or something that was.

    00:52:23 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.


    00:52:24 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It, yeah.

    00:52:29 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Oh geez. A necklace. I'm being good.

    00:52:31 Speaker 3

    Yeah, that I know, yeah.


    'S good.

    00:52:35 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    I'm not the young man around 14.

    00:52:39 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    It's harder to get rid.

    00:52:40 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    When you.

    00:52:42 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    Stay. Yeah. Thanks again for for joining us and yeah, best of luck with with the excursion. Good.

    00:52:46 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Well, thank you.

    00:52:48 Glyn Sadler, A former Royal Marine turned ocean rower and spearfishing enthusiast, and founder of Adventures Per Mare, a unique adventure rowing company based in Norway.

    Cheers. Cheers Chris.

    00:52:51 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    It's really great chatting with Glen, hearing how plants tuck with A3000 metre Norwegian coastline next year. 20 rollouts. Him and.

    00:52:57 Chris Shirley, Website Developer, Digital Marketing Strategist and Brand Designer at Hiatus.Design, website design and brand company

    ***** come.

    00:52:58 Speaker 3

    There check out assurance below full seen every site.

Chris Shirley MA FRGS

About the Author:

Chris is the founder of Hiatus.Design, a mission-driven branding and website design company that works with clients all over the world.

Over the course of his life, he has travelled to more than 60 countries across six continents, earned two Guinness World Records, completed the legendary Marathon des Sables, summited Mont Blanc and unclimbed peaks in Asia, become a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (FRGS), rowed across the Atlantic Ocean and obtained a Masterʼs degree in Business Management (MA).

Julian Davies, 'The Iceland Divide', a 550km bikepacking expedition across Iceland