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Glyn Sadler, ocean rower, spearfisherman and founder of ‘Adventures Per Mare’, now preparing to row the entire Norwegian coast line
Chris Shirley MA FRGS Chris Shirley MA FRGS

Glyn Sadler, ocean rower, spearfisherman and founder of ‘Adventures Per Mare’, now preparing to row the entire Norwegian coast line

In this episode, we speak with Glyn, a former Royal Marine turned ‘adventure rower’ and spearfishing enthusiast, who founded Adventures Per Mare, a one-of-a-kind adventure rowing company based in Norway.

He shares his experience rowing across the Atlantic, where he received shoutouts from none other than James Corden and His Royal Highness, the Prince of Bhutan, how his team secured over £100,000 in sponsorship, coming back from a life-altering injury, his preparation for the first-ever full coastal row of Norway next year, and how combining two sports has unlocked a whole new level of adventure for him.

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Nick Spicer FRGS, disaster response volunteer aiming to complete the infamous Yukon 1000 pairs canoe race

Nick Spicer FRGS, disaster response volunteer aiming to complete the infamous Yukon 1000 pairs canoe race

In episode 13, I talk to Nick Spicer FRGS, a father, disaster response volunteer, and founder of renewable energy company, YourEco, about his personal goal of completing the Yukon 1000, a race held in the remote backcountries of the US and Canada.

We discuss his experiences on other big endurance events, how he balances personal adventure goals whilst having a family and running a business, how to train when you’ve got a busy lifestyle.

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