Field notes:

5 things to make your expedition happen in 2023

5 things to make your expedition happen in 2023

We’ve had some difficult years making expeditions and personal goals happen recently. The pandemic, conflict, a shift in global politics, and cooling economy have conspired to increase the size and number of hurdles, however there are ways to mitigate them that you might not have thought of or be familiar with.

You may well have signed up to an ocean rowing race, to run the Marathon des Sables, or even to take on the mighty Everest – however with the current fiscal uncertainty, it’s hard to see how you can possibly fundraise if the outdoor and charity sector is struggling as we believe it might be.

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What it’s like to traverse the Aonach Eagach ridgeline in Scotland

What it’s like to traverse the Aonach Eagach ridgeline in Scotland

My research told me that the Aonach Eagach ridge is considered one of the most difficult and exposed scrambles in Scotland, and requires a high level of fitness, experience, and proper equipment. It also offers spectacular views of the surrounding mountains and valleys that you can find emblazoned across Instagram. That was enough for me to give it a go!

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