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Exploring the stunning Crag Lough
Chris Shirley MA FRGS Chris Shirley MA FRGS

Exploring the stunning Crag Lough

Crag Lough is a picturesque lake nestled within the Northumberland National Park in Northumberland, England. It's renowned for its stunning natural beauty, surrounded by rugged crags and lush greenery, making it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts, particularly hikers, climbers, and birdwatchers.

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Hiking a lap of Fernworthy reservoir on Dartmoor
Chris Shirley MA FRGS Chris Shirley MA FRGS

Hiking a lap of Fernworthy reservoir on Dartmoor

Fernworthy Reservoir in Dartmoor National Park near Chagford in Devon, is approximately 28 hectares (69 acres) and an incredible hike amidst the rugged beauty of one of England’s national parks.

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