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Discovering the fascinating Nobel peace prize museum in Oslo, Norway

Image credit: Haus of Hiatus

The Nobel Peace Prize Museum in Oslo is dedicated to the Nobel Peace Prize and its ‘laureates’ (i.e., a person or organisation that’s been awarded the peace prize).


 The museum is located in the same building as the Norwegian Nobel Institute, which is responsible for awarding the Nobel Peace Prize each year.


The museum's exhibits focus on the history and significance of the Nobel Peace Prize, including the life and work of its founder, Alfred Nobel, who, interestingly, is also the inventor of Dynamite!

There are also displays of items related to the laureates, such as their personal belongings, photographs, and documents.


One of the highlights of the museum is a multimedia exhibit on the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony, which includes video footage and interactive displays. There is also a section of the museum dedicated to current and past laureates, featuring interviews, speeches, and other multimedia presentations.


The Nobel Peace Prize Museum provides visitors with a unique opportunity to learn about the history and significance of the Nobel Peace Prize, as well as the remarkable individuals who have been honoured with this prestigious award. It is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in the promotion of peace and international cooperation.

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