Field notes:

Compound adventures: why breaking long endeavours down into bite-size pieces is good for us millennials
Compound adventure, Endeavour, Modular adventures Chris Shirley MA FRGS Compound adventure, Endeavour, Modular adventures Chris Shirley MA FRGS

Compound adventures: why breaking long endeavours down into bite-size pieces is good for us millennials

As a millennial, we find ourselves caught between life chapters also: buying a property; starting a family; launching a business; concentrating on a career; or just jack them all in to go and climb mountains; live in a van or sail around the world.

The idea of big, wieldy goals seems great when you’re in your twenties but not hugely achievable as your responsibilities to family, career, or a mortgage mount up in your thirties and forties.

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Bikepacking the Eurovelo 11 route across Estonia

Bikepacking the Eurovelo 11 route across Estonia

The Eurovelo cycling routes are one of Europe’s best kept secrets. Waymarked by blue signs with occasional directions to the next town, the routes criss-cross European countries.

The entire Eurovelo 11 route is c.6500 kilometres, starts at Nordkapp (the most northerly point in Europe) and finishes at the southern tip of Greece, covering 11 countries on the route. It’s apparently referred to as ‘the Beast of the East’ (according to the official website) and completing it in stages is quickly becoming a personal goal.

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Bikepacking expedition 3: first multi-day test ride for the Eurovelo 11 attempt

Bikepacking expedition 3: first multi-day test ride for the Eurovelo 11 attempt

My third bikepacking trip is a test ride for a big multi-day trip I want to do later in summer that would see me riding all the way across Estonia following the Eurovelo 11 cycling route towards the end of summer when the weather has got a little cooler. It would be 500 kilometres (c.300 miles) so I will need to be used to spending multiple days out on the road.

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