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Light my Fire titanium spork review

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Verdict: a nice addition to your adventures, but the price and length of it make other options preferable.

Made of lightweight and durable titanium, (which makes it strong, corrosion-resistant, and hypoallergenic), the LMF titanium spork is a cool but costly addition for those fed up with breaking the plastic versions!


As you can see from the photos, the spork features a spoon on one end, which can be used for scooping soup, chili, or other liquids, and a fork on the other end, which can be used for eating solid foods like meat, vegetables, and pasta. The spork also has a serrated edge on the fork side, which can be used for cutting food or as a makeshift knife.


Whilst it can be bent to first most backpacks, it’s quite short, meaning you can’t really get into the corners of the food containers (particularly dehydrated rations to prevent it clumping up in the corners of the packaging).

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